Normativité et valeurs sociales du management éthique et responsable

Livrables et publications 

L.1.3 Un rapport scientifique et financier intermédiaire (M12) ; 

L.1.4 Un rapport scientifique et financier final (M22)

L6.1 Trois articles en revues indexées ISI - Web of science (Clarivate Analytics) : (M12; M16;) 

  • Auzoult, L., & Mazilescu, C. A. (2021). Ethical Climate as Social Norm: Impact on Judgements and Behavioral Intentions in the Workplace. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(11), 6006
  • Gherheș, V., & Fărcașiu, M. A. (2021). Sustainable Behavior among Romanian Students: A Perspective on Electricity Consumption in Households. Sustainability, 13(16), 9357.
  • Mazilescu, C. A., Auzoult-Chagnault, L., Viscu, L. I., & Gangloff, B. (2021). Student Perception of the Social Value of Responsible Management. Societies 2021, 11, 16.

  L6.2 Quatre communications/publications aux conférences de prestige indexées ISI Proceedings et BDI: (M10 ; M12 ; M20 ; M22 ;) 

  • Popescu-Mitroi M.M., Mihărtescu A.A., Chitoroga L., Mazilescu C.A. (november 2019) Values Orientations, Environmental Self-identity and Responsible Attitude of Students from the Management Faculty.3rd LUMEN EDU International Scientific Conference | Education, Quality & Sustainable Development | November 20th - 21st, 2019 | Targoviste, Romania.
  • Mihărtescu A.A., Negrut, M L., Misca, M. (november 2019) Aspects Regarding the Ethical Attitude of Students. 3rd LUMEN EDU International Scientific Conference | Education, Quality & Sustainable Development | November 20th - 21st, 2019 | Targoviste, Romania
  • Semeredi, I. B., Borca, C., Draghici, A., Robescu, D., & Fatol, D. (2021). A proposed scenario to characterize costumers' perceptions on social responsibility. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 342). EDP Sciences.
  • Semeredi, I. B., Borca, C., Draghici, A., Ivascu, L., & Fatol, D. (2021). A longitudinal study developed to characterize costumers' perceptions on social responsibility. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 342). EDP Sciences.

L6.3 Deux publications en revues BDI : (M18; M24) 

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